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Now you see me...

Greens Committee

It has been another busy week at Drax as we continue with our winter maintenance programme. We have removed a bridge, carried out essential drainage on the 2nd hole and also removed 4 trees... and it is only Wednesday!

The trees mentioned above were situated at the start of the 7th fairway. Unfortunately it was highlighted last year that the roots on these trees were starting to spread under the apron of the 6th hole and towards the 6th.

In order to protect the green, and also provide more essential light, the trees were marked to be removed at the earliest opportunity inline with our course development plan. This area will continue to be developed in the coming months to make the hole more challenging (see report for details).

Due to Health and Safety reasons, the second bridge on the 8th hole has been removed.

Unfortunately the 30 year old wooden sleepers had rotted and multiple holes had appeared.

Please can players use the second bridge to the right of the old bridge which brings you out near the bell.

A new trolley park will be constructed here in the new year. Please take note of the signs in this area and not take trolleys towards the green (please don't copy the guys in the photograph below). Please only take the club's you require towards the green.

As we continue through the winter, we focus on drainage and tree maintenance to ensure the course is playable in optimum conditions for the full 12 months.

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