Local Rules
1. Out of Bounds
The following areas are Out of Bounds:
Beyond any boundary fence or hedge or any part of the course so marked by the Committee using white marker posts at ground level.
2. Abnormal Course Conditions
Unless otherwise stated, interference from an Abnormal Course Condition exists when any one of these is true:
The player’s ball touches or is in or on an Abnormal Course Condition, or
An Abnormal Course Condition physically interferes with the player’s area of intended stance or area of intended swing, or
Only when the ball is on the Putting Green, an Abnormal Course Condition on or off the Putting Green intervenes on the line of play.
The following are Abnormal Course Conditions from which free relief is allowed under Rule 16.1 anywhere on the course unless the ball lies in a Penalty Area:
Ground Under Repair
Holes made by greenkeeping staff in maintaining the course, including ruts and tracks made by maintenance vehicles
Molehills, including bare earth, left after a molehill has been flattened
Rabbit scrapes
Artificial mats
Artificially surfaced paths and roads
All parts of the automatic watering system
Distance marker discs, waste bins, benches, bells and signposts
Stakes and distance marker posts (but not Out of Bounds stakes). Stakes and distance marker posts (except O.B. stakes) may be removed as an alternative to taking relief.
2.1 Relief from Aeration Holes
If a player's ball lies in or touches an aeration hole in the General Area: The player may take relief under Rule 16.1b.
If a player's ball lies in or touches an aeration hole on a Putting Green: The player may take relief under Rule 16.1d. Relief is not available if the aeration hole only interferes with the player's stance or the player's line of play.
3. Penalty Areas
A Penalty Area is defined as:
Any body of water on the course (whether or not marked by the Committee), including a pond, ditch, surface drainage ditch or other open watercourses (even if not containing water), and
Any other part of the course the Committee defines as a Penalty Area.
When the edge of a Penalty Area is not defined by the Committee, the edge of that Penalty Area is defined by its natural boundaries (that is, where the ground slopes down to form the depression that can hold the water).
All Penalty Areas at Drax Golf Club are marked with either red or yellow stakes.
4. General
Temporary Local Rules are posted on the main club noticeboard and by the first tee
Greens staff have priority at all times
Members and visitors should be dressed for golf which includes golf shoes. Our full dress code can be found on our website.
Personal ride-on buggies are permitted subject to written approval from the Committee
Casual play should give way to official club competitions and knock-out matches
5. Etiquette
Please replace divots everywhere on the course, except on Teeing Grounds, where you should use the divot mix if available
Please repair your pitch marks on Putting Greens and repair any other pitch marks that you see
Please rake Bunkers and leave the rake in the bunker with the handle resting on the support provided.
If your group fails to keep its place on the course and loses more than one clear hole on the group in front, it should invite the group following to play through. Please endeavour to keep up with the group in front at all times.