WOW! What a day! We have had some high scores, some low scores, plenty of pars, bogeys, birdies, twos and even a HOLE-IN-ONE!
There is only one place to start in a post like this and that is to say a very big thank you to all of our visitors and members who took part in today's Autumn Open. We had a great turn out with 74 players making the trip from Bondhay, to Driffield, Bradford and Bawtry, as well as many more! We do really appreciate your support today and we hope you have enjoyed the course and we hope to see you again at our Spring Open in May 2018!
So, here are some of the highlights from today, starting with the biggest if them all, a Hole-In-One on the 5th hole! A big congratulations to a dear friend from Bawtry Golf Club who we have known for a number of years. Roland Howe is the Seniors Captain at Bawtry chose the right club on the 5th today and sank his first ever hole in one and then (he would say) went on to carry his son round to have 39 points! But unfortunately that wasn't quite enough:
3rd Place - 42 points - Stephen Sutton & P Walker
2nd Place - 43 points - John Corbett & Chris Walker
1st Place - 44 points - Daz Jackson & Steve Ramson (Steve flew in from Dubai especially!)
We also had 10 2's today and all the winners will receive their share of the pot shortly.
And one final thank you goes to our greenstaff who, despite this week's heavy rain had the course in top condition. All of our guests were extremely complimentary to the point where we have sealed a society booking for 2018 and also given out 6 membership application forms! The standard of the course is getting better and better each week and we really do appreciate everything you do!
Again, we thank everyone who contributed for a tremendous day and hope to see you all soon!