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Drax In Running For Community Funding

Towards the final quarter of 2016, the team at Drax Golf Club started to work alongside a community charity with a green heart, Groundwork, which specialises in transforming communities and the local environment for the better.

Groundwork work closely with the Bags of Help project run by Tesco’s exciting local community grant scheme where the money raised from the 5p bag charge is being used to fund thousands of local projects in communities right across the UK. Projects that bring benefit to their community will get the green light – these range from improving community buildings and outdoor spaces to buying new equipment, training coaches or volunteers and hosting community events.

How does Bags of Help work?

Bags of Help is now open for applications from charities and community organisations.

Applications are assessed by Groundwork to ensure they are eligible. In areas where application numbers are high, Tesco colleagues will shortlist the projects to determine which go forward to the customer vote.

Three community projects in each local area will be voted on by customers in Tesco stores throughout the UK, with projects changing every other month. Following the vote, the project that received the most votes in its area will receive a grant of up to £4,000, second place receiving up to £2,000 and third place up to £1,000.

What does this mean for Drax Golf Club?

Drax Golf Club is a private course managed on a 'not-for-profit' basis that enables us to offer affordable membership, on a high-quality golf course for the local community. With this in mind, Drax are now in the running to obtain a financial benefit from Groundwork with a view of making our golf course more accessible for its members and guests.

The team at Drax plan to improve the existing path network across the course to help certain areas of the course more accessible and to help relieve strain on other areas, thus making the course more playable in the winter months. Please see the image gallery below for some ideas of where paths could be renovated or created on the course.

How can you get involved?

Three community projects in each local area will be voted on by customers in Tesco stores across England, Scotland and Wales, with the projects changing every other month. Each time you shop you will be offered a token at the checkout and be able to vote for your favourite project.

We are asking members, guests, family and friends to shop at Tesco Goole in May and June where we will be competing for the top prize. In the entrance to the store a stand will be setup for you to place your blue chips to vote for the project.

At the end of the voting period, all three projects will receive funding in each local area. The amount of funding available for individual local projects will range from £1,000 to £4,000 – keep a look out for the results in store and online.

In advance, thank you for your support in this project and happy shopping at Tesco Goole!

Proposed path images:

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