We hope you are well and that the news we are reopening has lifted your spirits.
Thank you to all members who have booked using BRS so far. If you have not registered on BRS you will be receiving an invite on a separate email with your username and details of how to register. If you are having trouble booking please email Matthew or call Liam 07870747295 or Darren Neary 07838251888.
If you are wishing to renew your subscriptions in the light of the reopening, we cannot take payment at the club but you can pay online. If you wish to do this please email matthew_forde@hotmail.com and I will send you bank details. If you prefer to pay by cheque please send it in the post to the sports and social club, but email Matthew so we can look out for it! Renewal packages will be issued when Denise can return to work. As renewals become due we will send out personalised emails outlining how your subscription has been affected by the closure of the course in the last 7 weeks.
When you play golf we ask you to follow the guidelines that have been put together by England Golf, R&A and the government. When you arrive in the car park please leave a full car width between you and neighbouring vehicles. Please do not arrive more than 10 minutes prior to your tee time. We will have a starter to monitor the first tee, please follow his instructions at all times.
There is a gel dispenser next to the first tee that should be used before your round starts and as you leave the course. We have removed all scorecards as an extra precaution. There are several apps you can download if you wish to keep your score. There is Hole19, Golf Gamebook or VPar amongst others.
The course has been set up so that the holes are only just below the surface so you can retrieve your ball without touching the hole. Please do not touch the flagsticks while putting out. The bunkers will have no rakes, however the greens staff will rake the bunkers regularly, but not daily! If you have a bad lie you may have a free drop within 6” in the bunker. Please try and smooth the bunker when you leave with your shoes or club.
Please ensure you do not share any equipment on your round, and do not pick up your partner’s clubs or balls at any time.
As you know, you can only play in two balls, and this must be strictly adhered to. Course wardens and greens staff will be checking to ensure this is the case. Please also ensure that you observe social distancing at all times, especially as the course is going to be busier than usual at first and you may catch up the group in front. Please do not step onto a tee where the previous group is still teeing off, and do not pressure them to let you through. We will be monitoring any pinch points to judge whether we need to put a break in.
Much of what has been recommended is reliant on the common sense of players and we are sure you will all follow the guidelines to ensure that golf remains open for the duration of this unprecedented event.
Thank you for your continued support, and please do not hesitate to contact a member of the committee if you have any concerns or queries.
Best wishes and stay safe,
The Committee.